Cayley-Dickson Construction:
This is a process by which a 2n-dimensional
hypercomplex number is constructed from a pair of 2n-1-dimensional
hypercomplex numbers, where n is a positive integer. This is accomplished
by defining the multiplication rule for the two 2n-dimensional
hypercomplex numbers in terms of the four 2n-1-dimensional
hypercomplex numbers.
Let X and
Y be two 2n-dimensional hypercomplex numbers.
Write each X and Y as an ordered pair of 2n-1-dimensional
hypercomplex numbers, A, B, C, and D,
X := ( A ; B ) ,
Y := ( C ; D ) .
Then the Cayley-Dickson process defines the multiplication
of X and Y by
X Y := ( A ; B ) ( C ;
D ) := ( AC + mD*B ; BC* + DA )
where D* is a conjugate of D and m
a field parameter.
2-dimensional complex numbers (n=1),
4-dimensional quaternions (n=2), 8-dimensional octonions (n=3), 16-dimensional
sedenions (n=4), 32-dimensional hypercomplex numbers (n=5), etc., can all
be constructed from real numbers by the iterations of this process.
At each iteration some new basal elements , ik ,
are introduced with the property ik2
= -1.
In the following we will choose the field parameter m
= -1 and construct
complex numbers from real numbers,
quaternions from complex numbers,
octonions from quaternions.
It is too easy to run out of letters to use so some letters
in one section may represent different things in another.
[I] Complex Numbers (n=1) :
Consider two complex numbers,
Z = a + b i1 , and W = c +
d i1 ,
where a , b, c, d e
and ( i1)2
= -1.
(The usual notation for the imaginary number is i instead
of i1 ) . Then
Z W = ( ac - bd ) + ( ad + bc ) i1
Compare this with Cayley-Dickson multiplication rule
for Z = ( a ; b ), and W = ( c ; d ),
with m = -1
Z W = ( a ; b ) ( c ; d ) = ( ac -
bd ; ad + bc ) , d* = d, since d e R
which clearly shows that ( ac - bd ; 0 ) and ( 0 ; ad
+ bc ) correspond to ( ac - bd ) and (ad + bc) i1 ,
Note : If i2 is another
imaginary number with the property ( i2 )2=
-1, but different from i1 such that
i1 = - i1
i2 , then
Z = i2 ( a + b i1
= a i2 - b i1
i2 = Z* i2
[II] Quaternions (n=2) :
In order to construct a quaternion
we need to introduce another imaginary unit, i2
, with the property i22 =
-1, but different from i1 . Write
two quaternions, P, and Q, each in terms of two complex numbers,
P := A + B i2
, Q := C + D i2
where A, B, C, D e C
, and so A, B, C, D commute. Then
PQ = ( A + B i2 )(
C + D i2 ) = AC + B i2
C + AD i2 + B i2
D i2
= AC + BC* i2 + DA i2
+ BD* i2 i2
= ( AC - D*B ) + ( BC* + DA ) i2
Compare this with the Cayley-Dickson multiplication of
two quaternions defined as ordered pairs of complex numbers, ( A ; B )
and ( C ; D ), with m = -1,
PQ := ( A ; B )( C ; D ) = ( AC -
D*B ; BC* + DA )
Note that in the expression for P := A + B i2
, there is a term consisting of i1 i2
This represents a new imaginary number, a basal element
of quaternions, i3 := i1
i2 .
[III] Octonions (n=3) :
Let P, Q, R,
S be four quaternions. Define two octonions, M and N, as the ordered pairs,
M := ( P ; Q ),
N := ( R ; S ) . Then the multiplication of M and N is given
MN := ( PR + m
; QR* + SP ).
The new basal elements introduced in the process are
i4 , i5 ,
i6 , and i7
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